Welcome to John Dunham's Blog. First...Some Ancient Parachute History...

For those of you that started flying what are now known as Light Sport Aircraft, i.e.-Microlights, Ultralights, Hang Gliders,and Paragliders, after the year 1996, you may have never heard of "Second Chantz Aerial Survival Equipment, Inc." one of the world leaders in developing ballistic deployed parachute systems that can save whole aircraft and their occupants during extreme emergencies. That company was closed down in 1996 after producing over 4000 recovery systems since 1983, and documenting over 70 saves. This is the "short" story of that company, it's people, history, accomplishments, and its Reincarnation here in 2010.

Thanks for dropping by!

The Ballistic News

The Ballistic News
Out Last Newsletter Cover, 1996

Saturday, November 27, 2010

New Generation A.I.R. Rocket Enters Production

Our test program is complete. We are satisfied that our new generation Nitrogen gas parachute extraction device is going to eliminate the pyrotechnic devices traditionally used by Second Chantz, and others. Check out our newly updated Web site at Secondchantz.com for all the details!


  1. Where can I buy Your products? Do You sell them to EUROPE?

  2. Where can I buy Your products? Do You sell them to EUROPE?
