Second Chantz Recovery Systems Announces Comeback
John Dunham, former President of Second Chantz Aerial Survival Equipment Inc., announces the re-incarnation of the Nevada Corporation which closed operations back in 1995. The new company will manufacture and distribute recovery systems for most Light Sport Aircraft, plus perform re-packing, updating and scheduled service for ballistic recovery systems from any manufacturer. Additionally, Second Chantz will bring back its patented A.I.R. Equipped Recovery devices for Hang Gliding and Paragliding Pilots.
Carson City, Nevada. March 28, 2010. Many pilots may remember the Second Chantz Company as one of the world’s major ballistic parachute manufacturers between 1981 and 1996. During that time frame, Second Chantz designed and manufactured over 4,000 ballistic recovery systems for Experimental Aircraft, Ultralights, Hang Glider pilots, Paragliding, and even early ROV’s for the military, while logging over 70 saves around the world. The company was closed down in mid 1995, and John Dunham went on to other ventures in and out of the Aviation field.
After recent business ventures which included 5 years being one of the largest distributors of the Flight Design CT in the Western USA, and a year as national marketing manager for the Evektor SportStar, John decided to go back to his original aviation roots. Many from the former Second Chantz team have jumped at the chance to get back into the business with John, including his former shop manager Avery DeMarce, his machinists Steve and Pat Habegger, and most of his original suppliers of sub-assemblies and components.
The new Second Chantz team is looking forward to giving its 7000 former customers a ‘second chance” on their out-of-date recovery systems and also giving BRS some friendly head-to-head competition on service work and new system sales.
When asked “Why start a company now, after 15 years of being out of the business, and with the country in a deep recession?” John put it simply; “It’s what I know and love. There is no better feeling than receiving a phone call from an excited customer who has just taken a ride on one of your systems during an emergency. Hearing or reading the words “Thanks for saving my Life” becomes addictive. Plus, when one company has a virtual monopoly on a market (BRS) the customer loses. There is no incentive for that company to hold down prices, give the best possible service, and go the extra mile for their customers. Competition is good. When I originally took over Second Chantz from Steve Lantz in 1983 there were 5 companies in the market. We survived for 15 years, competing against companies like Pioneer Aerospace, GQ Security, Advanced Ballistic Chutes and BRS. I got out of the market in 1995 because I was ready for a change, and wanted to take a sabbatical. Since then, I’ve been watching the ballistic parachute business from the sidelines, and have even been a dealer for BRS products. I haven’t seen much innovation to the basic product we developed 25 years ago. BRS has done a great job of developing systems for the widest possible variety of aircraft and I admire their team. They have the saves to prove they’re doing good work. BRS is mostly responsible for General Aviations’ acceptance of the concept through their systems for Cessna’s and the Cirrus.
With a new state of the art repacking facility going together in Carson City, Nevada, we are ready to start taking new system orders and perform repack services now. We will have replacement rocket motors for those systems over 12 tears old, and can update most older systems manufactured since 1982 at a reasonable cost. With our return, we hope to inject new technologies into the market, and give the customer a choice when it comes to Aviation safety products. We plan on concentrating on the LSA market up to 1320 pounds gross in the beginning and have no General Aviation System plans as yet.
Second Chantz is a full service ballistic parachute company with decades of experience, an energetic team, competitive prices, and an attitude that will impress the new generation of Light Sport Pilots.
Contact; John Dunham, Manager
Director of Sales and Marketing
Second Chantz, LLC
1894 Hwy 50 East #4-198
Carson City, Nevada 89701
775 315 0133